High Blood Pressure – Causes, Symptoms and Simple Home Remedies

Today’s life has become so stressful that every one is working hard and there is hardly any time for relaxation. This has resulted in more and more people to suffer from high blood pressure. The factors that constitute to high blood pressure are long working hours, unhealthy food habit, insufficient rest and sleep, tension and stress. They all ultimately result in different health problems. High blood pressure is one of them where the blood pressure rises more than the normal pressure level of 120/80 mm of Hg. This is a very serious condition which can lead to heart related diseases and poor functioning of the sense organ if not attended properly.

Causes of high blood pressure:

As mentioned earlier the main causes of blood pressure are excess stress and tension and unhealthy food habits. Food high in calories and excess intake of salt can also lead to high blood pressure. The other factors include alcohol, smoking, excess consumption of tea and coffee, pain killers and other strong medicines, genetic disorder, overweight, problem in thyroid and kidney, irregular heart beat and chest pain and diabetes.

Symptoms of high blood pressure:

Usually persons suffering from high blood pressure undergo lots of health problems. It can be termed as a silent killer which will slowly affect the entire body system. The major symptoms of high blood pressure are severe body pain (especially in the neck and the lower part of the head), nervousness, chest pain, high sleeping tendency, weakness, heavy bleeding from nose and inability to control emotions. If these type of problems are encountered then it is the symptom of early high blood pressure. Care should be taken to detect it early so that it can be kept under control through proper medication. If you can eat a balanced diet and lead a stress and tension free then it is the best way to keep away from this disease.

Simple home remedies for high blood pressure:

There are simple home remedies that can be followed to get relief from high blood pressure.

Boiled rice and potato:

Boiled rice, especially brown rice when taken as a diet helps to regulate and soothes the nerves which in-turn helps in lowering high blood pressure. Brown rice which is rich in calcium is a good source to calm nerves and keeps blood pressure under control. Boiled potato can also be used to control blood pressure as it carves excess intake of salt.

Curry leaves:

As you all know curry leaves have many medicinal effect and it is also helpful for the treatment of high blood pressure. Boil green curry leaves in a glass of water till the curry leaves juices mixes with water. Allow it to cool and drink it in empty stomach in early morning.


Fruits are best source for treatment of high blood pressure. Simple fruits like grapes, water melon, and papaya can play an important role in the treatment of high blood pressure. Fruits help to regulate blood pressure and bring heart beat to normal. Watermelon seeds can also be used as an important medicine. The seeds can be dried and made into a fine powder. This powder can taken 1 to 2 tablespoon in a glass of water. Raw papaya can also be taken in an empty stomach in the early morning. This helps to clear the bowel movement, prevents constipation apart from helping to reduce high blood pressure.


Garlic is not only a best remedy for high blood pressure but also for proper functioning of lungs, to regulate heart beat and other parts of the body. Add garlic to your diet and you can see the magical effect of it in few months. This is the best and simple home remedy to control high blood pressure.


Gooseberry or amla also can be used for the treatment of high blood pressure. Prepare a mixture of amla juice and honey and take 1 to 2 tablespoon of this mixture regularly early in the morning with empty stomach.


Honey is used to treat different health related problems. The same can also be used to treat high blood pressure. Prepare a mixture of honey, ginger juice and finely powdered cumin seeds. Take this mixture 2 to 3 tablespoon twice a day. If taken regularly, this will help to reduce stress and tension and in-turn high blood pressure.


Lemon extract is also useful; for the treatment of high blood pressure. Mix 2 to 3 tablespoon of lime extract in a cup of water. Take them regularly and you can find the difference in few months. This is one of the important home remedy for high blood pressure.

Methi Seeds:

Take 1 to 2 tablespoon of methi seeds and boil them in a glass of water. After sometime strain the ingredients and make them as a mixture. The mixture has to be taken twice a day continuously for 2 to 3 months. If this is followed regularly then it can be termed as one of the best home remedy for the treatment of high blood pressure.

Onion juice:

2 to 3 tablespoon of onion juice mixed with the same amount of honey also forms an important home remedy for treatment of high blood pressure.


Carrot and spinach are important source of vegetables that helps in reducing high blood pressure. Other leafy vegetables are also helpful to combat this disease. Fresh juice can be extracted from carrot and spinach and can be taken daily.

There are certain other procedures that has to be followed apart from the above mentioned home remedies for the treatment of high blood pressure. They are

Avoid junk foods:

Try to avoid intake of junk foods and deep fried items as they do no help to your body. If you can abstain from them it will do a world of good to your whole body.

Exercise and Yoga:

Do exercise and yoga regularly. There is various breathing related yoga which helps to regulate hearth beat and thus helps to control high blood pressure. Simple exercise can be done which will be helpful not only to control blood pressure but also make you fit.

Well balanced diet:

Try to have a well balanced diet. The diet should include food rich in minerals like calcium. Green vegetables and fruits should form the important part of the diet.

The above mentioned procedures if followed will not only help to control blood pressure but also helps to lead a healthy life.

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