Jaundice - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Jaundice is caused by an increase in the level of bilirubin in blood. Jaundice is also known as icterus. The most common symptom of yellowing of skin is due to the accumulation of bile pigment in blood. Jaundice is derived from the French word “jaune” which means yellow. 

Jaundice increases the level of bilirubin in blood and in extracellular fluids. The normal level of bilirubin in plasma is 0.5 mg/dL. When a person suffers from jaundice the level increases to 1.5 mg/dL. This is three times the increase of the normal presence of bilirubin in blood.

Causes of Jaundice

Bilirubin is secreted from gall bladder which is essential for digesting food properly. Excess bilirubin is the main cause of jaundice. This can happen when red blood cells do not complete their average life span in the liver. They are often broken down to bilirubin which in turn causes jaundice.
Side effects of certain drugs can also cause jaundice. Consuming alcohol regularly can also cause this disease. Increase in level of bilirubin can also be cause by the malfunctioning of liver.
If there is any blockage in liver ducts then bilirubin is forced to retain in blood which results in increase of bilirubin in blood. Malfunctioning of gallstone and thyroid glands also cause jaundice.

Jaundice Symptoms

The major symptom that can be easily seen is the yellowing of the eyes and skin. There may also be itching of skin which is affected by this disease. The yellowing of skin starts from face and slowly moves to all parts of the body. Thus the initial symptom is clearly seen in the eyes.
Care should be taken to diagnose this disease in new born babies. If the baby is not eating properly and sleeping most of the time then it is better to get her checked with a doctor. Yellow color urination and pale complexion are also the symptoms of this disease.

Treatment for Jaundice

Jaundice can be detected by taking a blood test. Pale color of skin is also one of the symptoms of this disease. It is better to take a blood test to confirm before taking treatment for jaundice.
The best cure is to take proper rest and good food. In acute cases where the level of bilirubin increases to higher level blood transfusion can be done to cure this disease. Phototherapy or light therapy can be used to cure jaundice in case of children. Antiviral medication and antibiotics can also be administered to patients affected by jaundice.

Simple tips for treatment of Jaundice

Intake of green vegetables and fruits largely can help the Jaundice patient to recover from this disease. 3 litres of water has to be taken daily with frequent intervals. If this is followed regularly then bilirubin level in blood will be changed to normal level.
Avoid alcohol, coffee, junk foods as this will do more harm than good to cure this disease. Also avoid white flour and white sugar as far as possible. Animal fats, meat and dairy products like milk and cheese should also be avoided which will help to cure this disease quickly.

More than anything else a good sleep and a brisk walk in the morning will go a long way to cure jaundice.

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