Depression - Causes and Remedies

What is depression?

Depression is defined as a state of mind when people tend to get upset or tensed to such an extent that it starts affecting their daily life and activities. Patient suffering from depression loose the charm in life, lack a peaceful life, feel unable in doing daily chores, feel frustrated and utterly depressed and sad. Today, the kind of life people are living, the kind of work pressure in the IT world and food habit all lead to nothing but severe disease conditions, and depression is one of them.

Causes for depression

The cause for depression can be due to any emotional or prolonged illness, some misshapenness, failure to achieve success, etc. The major causes for depression are as follows:

1.lack of optimism

2.poor family relation

3.unforgettable tragic incident like death of loved ones

4.failure in career

5.improper menstrual cycle or menopause in women

6.hormonal disorder

7.excess intake of drugs

8.excess intake of junk foods, soft drinks, etc.

Symptoms of Depression

Patient suffering from depression may show the following signs:

1.loose the beauty in life

2.loss his sense

3.feel tired

4.stay extremely upset and dull

5.avoid social communication with other people

6.feel restless

7.finds trouble in sleeping

8.unwillingness to eat

9.feels frustrated and gets irritated very easily

10.become violent

11.crying for a long time

12.feel physically and mentally weak

13.feel inferior from others

14.not able to laugh

Home Remedies for Depression

An unhealthy state of mind is called depression. Patient suffering from this disease should go into several home remedies or may join yoga classes or other art-of-living classes. Some of the effective home remedies for depression are as follows:


Rose petals has got a magical role in curing depression. Take 20-30 rose petals and put them into a glass of water and boil it for 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to stand and cool it. Take this mixture 2-3 times a day. This is one of the useful home remedies for depression.


Asparagus, especially its root has strong medicinal property in curing depression. The root can be grinded into powder and patient may take it 1-2 times a day.

Cashew nut

Cashew nut plays important role in improving digestive as well as respiratory system. It makes the heart tension free and free from depression. These cashewnuts are rich in Vitamins (B and B2) and makes mind healthy and happy.

Ointment prepared from lemon

This lemon-rich ointment plays vital role in curing depression this is achieved by refreshing the brain tissues, heart, tiredness, etc. Take 25-30 grams of lemon herbs in a glass of cold water and allow it to stand for 12-14 hours. This ointment can be used 2-3 times a day. This is one of the best home remedies for depression.


There is a famous proverb 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Apple has lots of medicinal quality and hence considered as one of the healthiest fruit in the world. Apple contains minerals like phosphorus, potassium and is rich in vitamins. Apple can be taken raw or a piece of apple can be added in milk with 1-2 tablespoon of honey this relieves the patient suffering from depression. One of the useful home remedies for depression.

Balanced diet

Balanced diet rich in green vegetables, fruits, grams, brown rice, wheat flour, brown bread, fresh juice (all these are rich in Vitamin B), etc., is important to keep the body away from any kind of disease. Foods rich in Vitamin C and minerals are also good. Too much intake of caffeine, chocolates, beverages, junk and fried foods have adverse effect on the mood and mental peace. Patient suffering from depression should stay away from these unhealthy things. It is advised to take three meals a day, with fruits in the morning and cereals; rice in the lunch, dinner, however, should not be heavy consisting of salads, soups, etc.

Ela (Cardamom) rich tea

Mild tea with cardamom seed powder cures depression. Prepare tea with little tea leaves into it. Add finely powdered cardamom seeds into it.

More you think about the painful and unhappy incidents more you get stressed and depress, so a patient suffering from depression should indulge in activities that make him happy, he should talk, play and involve in other activities that makes them happy. In this way he will stay away from the depressing atmosphere he has made around himself. Exercises and yogas too have a greater role in the depression treatment. It makes both body and mind healthy and strong. Patient starts thinking as an optimist and feels confident of him. Yogas, meditation too have major role in making people mentally strong; makes the body beautiful and healthy from inside. It makes the digestive and respiratory system strong, and brings a stable state of mind.

Thus, all these remedies are true and effective remedies for curing depression. However, one should not forget that until a person is fully willing to come out of depression or frustration no medicine can do its magic and relieve him.

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