Fruits and its calorie content

Fruits are best choice for those who would like to be healthy. IT is also useful to reduce weight when taken regularly with proper diet. Fruits are low in calories and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Taking up fruits instead of snack will help a long way in reducing weight. This prevents overeating which is the main cause of weight gain.

The following is the list of fruits and their calorie content per 100 grams.
FruitsCalories per 100 gms
Strawberries 77
Pomegranate 77
Apple 56
Avocado Pear 190
Banana 95
Black Grapes 45
Guava 66
Kiwi 45
Lychies 61
Oranges 52
Papaya 32
Pears 51
Plums 56
Watermelon 26
Dates 281
Orange Juice (100ml)47
Peach 50
Pineapple 46
Watermelon 16
Chickoo 94

Fruits are high in water content. If you regularly take fruits it will also help you to fulfill the daily requirement of water content. Always try to take fresh fruits to get the required amount of nutrients and vitamins to your body. This will not only help to reduce weight but also helps to keep you active throughout the day.

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